Production facility
pgb-Polska is the Polish production plant of pgbEurope. The main activity of the company is the production of high quality nylon, chemical and steel anchors, developed under the brand name “SMART”.
In our own factory we produce nylon fixings such as standard wall plugs, different universal plugs, drywall anchors and frame anchors and hammer nail plugs with ETA assessment.
pgb-Polska is a member of ECAP(the European Consortium of Anchors Producers).
Research & Development
pgb-Polska is continuously investing in new products and product certifications. We have various approval for nylon, mechanical as well as chemical anchors.
On customer request we can provide private label and packing, in blister pack, window box, polybags etc.
In a high competitive market we continuously improve our production to reach for the highest standard in fasteners and fixing solutions. We want to support you in your daily business and offer you maximum benefits.
Contact information pgb-Polska
pgb-Polska sp. z.o.o.
Ul. Fryderyka Wilhelma Redena 3
41 - 807 Zabrze, Polska
Tel. +48 (32) 330 26 10
Fax. +48 (32) 330 26 20
Mobile +48 605 559 880
[email protected]